Source code for pdbx.containers

# File:
# Original: 02-Feb-2009 jdw
# Update:
# 23-Mar-2011 jdw Added method to rename attributes in category containers.
# 05-Apr-2011 jdw Change cif writer to select double quoting as preferred
# quoting style where possible.
# 16-Jan-2012 jdw Create base class for DataCategory class
# 22-Mar-2012 jdw when append attributes to existing categories update
# existing rows with placeholder null values.
# 2-Sep-2012 jdw add option to avoid embedded quoting that might
# confuse simple parsers.
# 28-Jun-2013 jdw export remove method
# 29-Jun-2013 jdw export remove row method
"""A collection of container classes supporting the PDBx/mmCIF storage model.

A base container class is defined which supports common features of
data and definition containers. PDBx data files are organized in
sections called data blocks which are mapped to data containers.
PDBx dictionaries contain definition sections and data sections
which are mapped to definition and data containers respectively.

Data in both PDBx data files and dictionaries are organized in
data categories. In the PDBx syntax individual items or data
identified by labels of the form '_categoryName.attribute_name'.
The terms category and attribute in PDBx jargon are analogous
table and column in relational data model, or class and attribute
in an object oriented data model.

The DataCategory class provides base storage container for instance
data and definition meta data.

import re
from sys import stdout
import traceback

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__author__ = "John Westbrook"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class CifName: """Class of utilities for CIF-style data names."""
[docs] @staticmethod def category_part(name) -> str: """Get the category part of the name. :param str name: name :returns: category part of name """ tname = "" if name.startswith("_"): tname = name[1:] else: tname = name i = tname.find(".") if i == -1: return tname else: return tname[:i]
[docs] @staticmethod def attribute_part(name) -> str: """Get the attribute part of the name. :param str name: name :returns: attribute part of name """ i = name.find(".") if i == -1: return None else: return name[i + 1 :] # noqa : E203
[docs]class ContainerBase: """Container base class for data and definition objects.""" def __init__(self, name): """Initialize with container name. :param str name: name """ # The enclosing scope of the data container (e.g. data_/save_) self.__name = name # List of category names within this container - self.__object_name_list = [] # dictionary of DataCategory objects keyed by category name. self.__object_catalog = {} self.__type = None
[docs] def get_type(self) -> str: """Get container type. :returns: container type """ return self.__type
[docs] def set_type(self, type_): """Set container type. :param str type_: container type """ self.__type = type_
@property def name(self) -> str: """Get container name. :returns: container name """ return self.__name
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """Set container name. :param str name: container name """ self.__name = name
[docs] def exists(self, name) -> bool: """Determine if object name exists in object catalog. :param str name: object name :returns: whether object exists in object catalog """ return name in self.__object_catalog
[docs] def get_object(self, name): """Get object from object catalog. :param str name: object name :returns: object or None :rtype: :class:`~pdbx.containers.DataCategory` """ if name in self.__object_catalog: return self.__object_catalog[name] else: return None
[docs] def get_object_name_list(self) -> list: """Get list of object names. :returns: list of :class:`~pdbx.containers.DataCategory` objects """ return self.__object_name_list
[docs] def append(self, obj): """Add the input object to the current object catalog. An existing object of the same name will be overwritten. :param obj: input object to catalog :type obj: :class:`~pdbx.containers.DataCategory` """ if is not None: if not in self.__object_catalog: self.__object_name_list.append( self.__object_catalog[] = obj
[docs] def replace(self, obj): """Replace an existing object with the input object. :param obj: input object to catalog :type obj: :class:`~pdbx.containers.DataCategory` """ if ( is not None) and ( in self.__object_catalog): self.__object_catalog[] = obj
[docs] def print_it(self, fobj=stdout, type_="brief"): """Dump information about container to specified file object. :param file fobj: file object for writing :param str type_: type of summary ("brief" makes it short) """ fobj.write( "+ %s container: %30s contains %4d categories\n" % (self.get_type(),, len(self.__object_name_list)) ) for name in self.__object_name_list: fobj.write("--------------------------------------------\n") fobj.write("Data category: %s\n" % name) if type_ == "brief": self.__object_catalog[name].print_it(fobj) else: self.__object_catalog[name].dump_it(fobj)
[docs] def rename(self, current_name, new_name) -> bool: """Change the name of an object in place. :param str current_name: old name for object :param str new_name: new name for object :returns: indicator of whether renaming was successful """ try: i = self.__object_name_list.index(current_name) self.__object_name_list[i] = new_name self.__object_catalog[new_name] = self.__object_catalog[ current_name ] self.__object_catalog[new_name].set_name(new_name) return True except KeyError: return False
[docs] def remove(self, current_name) -> bool: """Remove object by name. :param str current_name: name of object to remove :returns: True on success or False otherwise. """ try: if current_name in self.__object_catalog: del self.__object_catalog[current_name] i = self.__object_name_list.index(current_name) del self.__object_name_list[i] return True else: return False except KeyError: pass return False
[docs]class DefinitionContainer(ContainerBase): """Container for definitions.""" def __init__(self, name): """Initialize container with name. :param str name: name of container """ super(DefinitionContainer, self).__init__(name) self.set_type("definition")
[docs] def is_category(self) -> bool: """Determine if container contains category objects. :returns: indicator of whether category objects are in container """ if self.exists("category"): return True return False
[docs] def is_attribute(self) -> bool: """Determine if container contains item objects. :returns: indicator of whether item objects are in container """ if self.exists("item"): return True return False
[docs] def print_it(self, file_=stdout, type_="brief"): """Print information about container to file object. :param file file_: file object for writing :param str type_: type of summary ("brief" makes it short) """ file_.write( "Definition container: %30s contains %4d categories\n" % (, len(self.get_object_name_list())) ) if self.is_category(): file_.write("Definition type: category\n") elif self.is_attribute(): file_.write("Definition type: item\n") else: file_.write("Definition type: undefined\n") for name in self.get_object_name_list(): file_.write("--------------------------------------------\n") file_.write("Definition category: %s\n" % name) if type_ == "brief": self.get_object(name).print_it(file_) else: self.get_object(name).dumpId(file_)
[docs]class DataContainer(ContainerBase): """Container class for DataCategory objects.""" def __init__(self, name): """Initialize container with name. :param str name: name of container """ super(DataContainer, self).__init__(name) self.set_type("data") self.__global_flag = False self.__current_row = None
[docs] def invoke_data_block_method(self, method): """Invoke a method for the given data block. :param str method: name of method """ self.__current_row = 1 # TODO - remove exec() commands! exec(method.get_inline())
[docs] def set_global(self): """Set global flag to True.""" self.__global_flag = True
[docs] def get_global(self) -> bool: """Return global flag.""" return self.__global_flag
[docs]class DataCategoryBase: """Base object definition for a data category.""" def __init__(self, name, attribute_name_list=None, row_list=None): """Initialize data category objcet. :param str name: name of data category object :param list attribute_name_list: list of attribute names :param list row_list: list of rows for data category object """ self._name = name if row_list is not None: self._row_list = row_list else: self._row_list = [] if attribute_name_list is not None: self._attribute_name_list = attribute_name_list else: self._attribute_name_list = [] self._catalog = {} self._num_attributes = 0 self.__setup() def __setup(self): self._num_attributes = len(self._attribute_name_list) self._catalog = {} for attribute_name in self._attribute_name_list: attribute_name_lower = attribute_name.lower() self._catalog[attribute_name_lower] = attribute_name
[docs] def set_row_list(self, row_list): """Set row list. :param list row_list: list of rows """ self._row_list = row_list
[docs] def set_attribute_name_list(self, attribute_name_list): """Set attribute name list. :param list attribute_name_list: list of attribute names """ self._attribute_name_list = attribute_name_list self.__setup()
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """Set name. :param str name: object name to set """ self._name = name
[docs] def get(self) -> tuple: """Get name, attribute name list, and row list. :returns: tuple of (name, attribute name list, and row list) """ return (self._name, self._attribute_name_list, self._row_list)
[docs]class DataCategory(DataCategoryBase): """Methods for creating, accessing, formatting PDBx cif data categories.""" def __init__(self, name, attribute_name_list=None, row_list=None): """Initialize object. :param str name: name of object :param list attribute_name_list: list of attribute names :param list row_list: list of rows """ super().__init__(name, attribute_name_list, row_list) self.__lfh = stdout self.__current_row_index = 0 self.__current_attribute = None self.__avoid_embedded_quoting = False self.__whitespace_re = re.compile(r"\s") self.__whitespace_quotes_re = re.compile(r"[\s'\"]") self.__newline_re = re.compile(r"[\n\r]") self.__single_quote_re = re.compile(r"[']") self.__whitespace_single_quote_re = re.compile(r"('\s)|(\s')") self.__double_quote_re = re.compile(r'["]') self.__whitespace_double_quote_re = re.compile(r'("\s)|(\s")') self.__integer_re = re.compile(r"^[0-9]+$") self.__float_re = re.compile( r"^-?(([0-9]+)[.]?|([0-9]*[.][0-9]+))" r"([(][0-9]+[)])?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$" ) self.__data_type_list = [ "DT_NULL_VALUE", "DT_INTEGER", "DT_FLOAT", "DT_UNQUOTED_STRING", "DT_ITEM_NAME", "DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING", "DT_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING", "DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING", ] self.__format_type_list = [ "FT_NULL_VALUE", "FT_NUMBER", "FT_NUMBER", "FT_UNQUOTED_STRING", "FT_QUOTED_STRING", "FT_QUOTED_STRING", "FT_QUOTED_STRING", "FT_MULTI_LINE_STRING", ] def __getitem__(self, item): """Implements list-type functionality. Implements op[x] for some special cases: item = integer - returns the row in category (normal list behavior) item = string - returns the value of attribute 'x' in first row :param str item: item name :returns: object associated with item """ if isinstance(item, int): return self._row_list[item] elif isinstance(item, str): try: self.get_attribute_index(item) return self._row_list[0][item] except (IndexError, KeyError): raise KeyError raise TypeError(item) @property def current_attribute(self) -> str: """Get current attribute.""" return self.__current_attribute @property def current_row_index(self) -> int: """Get current row index.""" return self.__current_row_index @property def row_list(self) -> list: """Get list of rows.""" return self._row_list @property def row_count(self) -> int: """Get number of rows.""" return len(self._row_list)
[docs] def get_row(self, index) -> list: """Get specified row. :param int index: row index :returns: specified row or empty array if row not found. """ try: return self._row_list[index] except IndexError: return []
[docs] def remove_row(self, index) -> bool: """Remove specified row. :param int index: index of row to remove :returns: True if successful, False otherwise """ try: if index >= 0 and self._row_list: del self._row_list[index] if self.__current_row_index >= len(self._row_list): self.__current_row_index = len(self._row_list) - 1 return True else: pass except IndexError: pass return False
[docs] def get_full_row(self, index) -> list: """Return a full row based on the length of the the attribute list. :param int index: index of row to retrieve :returns: row """ try: if len(self._row_list[index]) < self._num_attributes: self._row_list[index] += ["?"] * ( self._num_attributes - len(self._row_list[index]) ) return self._row_list[index] except IndexError: return ["?"] * len(self._num_attributes)
@property def name(self) -> str: """Get container name.""" return self._name @property def attribute_list(self) -> list: """Get list of attributes.""" return self._attribute_name_list @property def attribute_count(self) -> int: """Get number of attributes.""" return len(self._attribute_name_list) @property def attribute_list_with_order(self) -> list: """Get list of attributes in order.""" ordered_list = [] for i, att in enumerate(self._attribute_name_list): ordered_list.append((att, i)) return ordered_list
[docs] def get_attribute_index(self, attribute_name) -> int: """Get index of given attribute. :param str attribute_name: name of attribute :returns: index of attribute :raises IndexError: if attribute not found """ return self._attribute_name_list.index(attribute_name)
[docs] def has_attribute(self, attribute_name) -> bool: """Indicate whether container has attribute.""" return attribute_name in self._attribute_name_list
@property def item_name_list(self) -> list: """List of attribute names as fully qualified item names.""" item_name_list_ = [] for att in self._attribute_name_list: item_name_list_.append("_" + self._name + "." + att) return item_name_list_
[docs] def append(self, row): """Add row to container. :param list row: row to add """ self._row_list.append(row)
[docs] def append_attribute(self, attribute_name): """Add attribute to container. :param str attribute_name: name of attribute to add """ attribute_name_lower = attribute_name.lower() if attribute_name_lower in self._catalog: index = self._attribute_name_list.index( self._catalog[attribute_name_lower] ) self._attribute_name_list[index] = attribute_name self._catalog[attribute_name_lower] = attribute_name else: self._attribute_name_list.append(attribute_name) self._catalog[attribute_name_lower] = attribute_name self._num_attributes = len(self._attribute_name_list)
[docs] def append_attribute_extend_rows(self, attribute_name): """Append attribute and extend rows. :param str attribute_name: name of attribute to add """ attribute_name_lower = attribute_name.lower() if attribute_name_lower in self._catalog: index = self._attribute_name_list.index( self._catalog[attribute_name_lower] ) self._attribute_name_list[index] = attribute_name self._catalog[attribute_name_lower] = attribute_name self.__lfh.write( "Appending existing attribute %s\n" % attribute_name ) else: self._attribute_name_list.append(attribute_name) self._catalog[attribute_name_lower] = attribute_name # add a placeholder to any existing rows for the new attribute. for row in self._row_list: row.append("?") self._num_attributes = len(self._attribute_name_list)
[docs] def get_value(self, attribute_name=None, row_index=None): """Get value for specified attribute and row. :param str attribute_name: attribute name :param int row_index: row index :returns: attribute value :raises IndexError: if attribute not found """ if attribute_name is None: attribute = self.__current_attribute else: attribute = attribute_name if row_index is None: index = self.__current_row_index else: index = row_index if isinstance(attribute, str) and isinstance(index, int): return self._row_list[index][ self._attribute_name_list.index(attribute) ] raise IndexError(attribute)
[docs] def set_value(self, value, attribute_name=None, row_index=None): """Set value of attribute. :param value: value of attribute to set :param str attribute_name: name of attribute :param int row_index: index of row """ if attribute_name is None: attribute = self.__current_attribute else: attribute = attribute_name if row_index is None: index = self.__current_row_index else: index = row_index if isinstance(attribute, str) and isinstance(index, int): try: # if row index is out of range - add the rows for _ in range(index + 1 - len(self._row_list)): self._row_list.append(self.__empty_row) row_len = len(self._row_list[index]) ind = self._attribute_name_list.index(attribute) # extend the list if needed if ind >= row_len: self._row_list[index].extend( [None for _ in range(2 * ind - row_len)] ) self._row_list[index][ind] = value except IndexError: self.__lfh.write( "DataCategory(setvalue) index error category" " %s attribute %s index %d value %r\n" % (self._name, attribute, index, value) ) traceback.print_exc(file=self.__lfh) except ValueError: self.__lfh.write( "DataCategory(setvalue) value error category" " %s attribute %s index %d value %r\n" % (self._name, attribute, index, value) ) traceback.print_exc(file=self.__lfh)
@property def __empty_row(self) -> list: """Return an empty row.""" return [None for _ in range(len(self._attribute_name_list))]
[docs] def replace_value(self, old_value, new_value, attribute_name) -> int: """Replace the value of the specified attribute. :param old_value: old attribute value :param new_value: new attribute value :param str attribute_name: name of attribute to replace :returns: number of replacements """ num_replace = 0 if attribute_name not in self._attribute_name_list: return num_replace ind = self._attribute_name_list.index(attribute_name) for row in self._row_list: if row[ind] == old_value: row[ind] = new_value num_replace += 1 return num_replace
[docs] def replace_substring(self, old_value, new_value, attribute_name) -> bool: """Replace substring of value of given attribute. :param old_value: old attribute value :param new_value: new attribute value :param str attribute_name: name of attribute to replace :returns: Boolean flag indicating success. """ replace_ok = False if attribute_name not in self._attribute_name_list: return replace_ok ind = self._attribute_name_list.index(attribute_name) for row in self._row_list: val = row[ind] row[ind] = val.replace(old_value, new_value) if val != row[ind]: replace_ok = True return replace_ok
[docs] def invoke_attribute_method(self, attribute_name, method): """Invoke method of current attribute. :param str attribute_name: attribute name :param str method: name of attribute method """ self.__current_row_index = 0 self.__current_attribute = attribute_name self.append_attribute(attribute_name) ind = self._attribute_name_list.index(attribute_name) if not self._row_list: row = [None] * len(self._attribute_name_list) * 2 row[ind] = None self._row_list.append(row) for row in self._row_list: row_len = len(row) if ind >= row_len: row.extend([None] * (2 * ind - row_len)) row[ind] = None # TODO - just say "no" to exec() exec(method.get_inline()) self.__current_row_index += 1
[docs] def invoke_category_method(self, method): """Invoke method of current category. :param str method: name of method """ self.__current_row_index = 0 # TODO - remove exec() exec(method.get_inline())
@property def max_attribute_list_length(self) -> int: """Get maximum attribute list length.""" max_list = [0] * len(self._attribute_name_list) for row in self._row_list: for index, value in enumerate(row): max_list[index] = max(max_list[index], len(value)) return max_list
[docs] def rename_attribute( self, current_attribute_name, new_attribute_name ) -> bool: """Change the name of an attribute in place. :param str current_attribute_name: current attribute name :param str new_attribute_name: new attribute name :returns: flag indicating renaming success """ try: i = self._attribute_name_list.index(current_attribute_name) self._attribute_name_list[i] = new_attribute_name del self._catalog[current_attribute_name.lower()] self._catalog[new_attribute_name.lower()] = new_attribute_name return True except KeyError: return False
[docs] def print_it(self, file_=stdout): """Print container information. :param file file_: file object ready for writing """ file_.write("--------------------------------------------\n") file_.write( " Category: %s attribute list length: %d\n" % (self._name, len(self._attribute_name_list)) ) for attr in self._attribute_name_list: file_.write(" Category: %s attribute: %s\n" % (self._name, attr)) file_.write(" Row value list length: %d\n" % len(self._row_list)) for row in self._row_list[:2]: if len(row) == len(self._attribute_name_list): for index, value in enumerate(row): file_.write( " %30s: %s ...\n" % (self._attribute_name_list[index], str(value)[:30]) ) else: file_.write( "+WARNING - %s data length %d attribute name length %s " "mismatched\n" % (self._name, len(row), len(self._attribute_name_list)) )
[docs] def dump_it(self, file_=stdout): """Dump contents of container. :param file file_: file object ready for writing """ file_.write("--------------------------------------------\n") file_.write( " Category: %s attribute list length: %d\n" % (self._name, len(self._attribute_name_list)) ) for attr in self._attribute_name_list: file_.write(" Category: %s attribute: %s\n" % (self._name, attr)) file_.write(" Value list length: %d\n" % len(self._row_list)) for row in self._row_list: for index, value in enumerate(row): file_.write( " %30s: %s\n" % (self._attribute_name_list[index], value) )
def __format_pdbx(self, inp) -> str: """Format input data following PDBx quoting rules. :param str inp: input data :returns: formatted data """ try: if inp is None: return ("?", "DT_NULL_VALUE") # pure numerical values are returned as unquoted strings if isinstance(inp, int) or return ([str(inp)], "DT_INTEGER") if isinstance(inp, float) or return ([str(inp)], "DT_FLOAT") # null value handling if inp in (".", "?"): return ( self.__double_quoted_list(inp), "DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING", ) if inp == "": return (["."], "DT_NULL_VALUE") # Contains white space or quotes ? if not if inp.startswith("_"): return (self.__double_quoted_list(inp), "DT_ITEM_NAME") else: return ([str(inp)], "DT_UNQUOTED_STRING") else: if return ( self.__semicolon_quoted_list(inp), "DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING", ) else: if self.__avoid_embedded_quoting: # change priority to choose double quoting where # possible. if not inp ) and not inp ): return ( self.__double_quoted_list(inp), "DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING", ) elif not inp ) and not inp ): return ( self.__single_quoted_list(inp), "DT_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING", ) else: return ( self.__semicolon_quoted_list(inp), "DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING", ) else: # change priority to choose double quoting where # possible. if not return ( self.__double_quoted_list(inp), "DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING", ) elif not return ( self.__single_quoted_list(inp), "DT_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING", ) else: return ( self.__semicolon_quoted_list(inp), "DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING", ) except ValueError: traceback.print_exc(file=self.__lfh) def __data_type_pdbx(self, inp) -> str: """Detect the PDBx data type. :param str inp: input data :returns: data type """ if inp is None: return "DT_NULL_VALUE" # pure numerical values are returned as unquoted strings if isinstance(inp, int) or return "DT_INTEGER" if isinstance(inp, float) or return "DT_FLOAT" # null value handling if inp in (".", "?"): return "DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING" if inp == "": return "DT_NULL_VALUE" # Contains white space or quotes ? if not if inp.startswith("_"): return "DT_ITEM_NAME" else: return "DT_UNQUOTED_STRING" else: if return "DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING" else: if self.__avoid_embedded_quoting: if not inp ) and not return "DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING" elif not inp ) and not return "DT_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING" else: return "DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING" else: if not return "DT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING" elif not return "DT_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING" else: return "DT_MULTI_LINE_STRING" @staticmethod def __single_quoted_list(inp) -> str: """Generate a single-quoted list from the input.""" return ["'"] + [inp] + ["'"] @staticmethod def __double_quoted_list(inp) -> str: """Generate a double-quoted list from the input.""" return ['"'] + [inp] + ['"'] @staticmethod def __semicolon_quoted_list(inp) -> str: """Generate a semicolon-delimited quoted list from the input.""" if inp[-1] == "\n": return ["\n", ";"] + [inp] + [";", "\n"] else: return ["\n", ";"] + [inp] + ["\n", ";", "\n"]
[docs] def get_value_formatted(self, attribute_name=None, row_index=None) -> str: """Get formatted version of value. :param str attribute_name: attribute name :param int row_index: row index :returns: formatted value """ if attribute_name is None: attribute = self.__current_attribute else: attribute = attribute_name if row_index is None: index = self.__current_row_index else: index = row_index if isinstance(attribute, str) and isinstance(index, int): try: list_, _ = self.__format_pdbx( self._row_list[index][ self._attribute_name_list.index(attribute) ] ) return "".join(list_) except IndexError: self.__lfh.write( "attribute_name %s index %r rowdata %r\n" % (attribute_name, index, self._row_list[index]) ) raise IndexError raise TypeError(attribute)
[docs] def get_value_formatted_by_index(self, attribute_index, row_index) -> str: """Get value formatted by index. :param str attribute_name: attribute name :param int row_index: row index :returns: formatted value """ list_, _ = self.__format_pdbx( self._row_list[row_index][attribute_index] ) return "".join(list_)
[docs] def get_max_attribute_list_length(self, steps=1) -> int: """Get maximum length of attribute value list. :param int steps: step size for iterating through rows :returns: attribute value list max length """ max_list = [0] * len(self._attribute_name_list) for _ in self._row_list[::steps]: for index, value in enumerate(self._attribute_name_list): max_list[index] = max(max_list[index], len(str(value))) return max_list
[docs] def get_format_type_list(self, steps=1) -> str: """Get a formatted type list. :param int steps: step size for iterating through rows :returns: formatted type list """ try: current_data_type_list = ["DT_NULL_VALUE"] * len( self._attribute_name_list ) for row in self._row_list[::steps]: for index, value in enumerate(self._attribute_name_list): data_type = self.__data_type_pdbx(value) data_index = self.__data_type_list.index(data_type) current_type = current_data_type_list[index] current_index = self.__data_type_list.index(current_type) current_index = max(current_index, data_index) current_data_type_list[index] = self.__data_type_list[ current_index ] # Map the format types to the data types current_format_type_list = [] for data_type in current_data_type_list: index = self.__data_type_list.index(data_type) current_format_type_list.append(self.__format_type_list[index]) except IndexError: self.__lfh.write( "PdbxDataCategory(get_format_type_list) ++Index error at " "index %d in row %r\n" % (index, row) ) return current_format_type_list, current_data_type_list
@property def get_format_type_list_x(self) -> str: """Alternate version of format type list.""" current_data_type_list = ["DT_NULL_VALUE"] * len( self._attribute_name_list ) for _ in self._row_list: for index, value in enumerate(self._attribute_name_list): data_type = self.__data_type_pdbx(value) data_index = self.__data_type_list.index(data_type) current_type = current_data_type_list[index] current_index = self.__data_type_list.index(current_type) current_index = max(current_index, data_index) current_data_type_list[index] = self.__data_type_list[ current_index ] # Map the format types to the data types current_format_type_list = [] for data_type in current_data_type_list: index = self.__data_type_list.index(data_type) current_format_type_list.append(self.__format_type_list[index]) return current_format_type_list, current_data_type_list